Logical positivism
Quantum mechanics
Storia della filosofia della scienza italiana
About me
This site is dedicated to philosophy of science and philosophy of physics. Here
I'm publishing my works about philosophy of science and philosophy of physics.
My interest about philosophy of science rose when I was studying in secondary school,
and grew during my studies at University of Rome. My philosophical attitude is greatly
influenced by Hans Reichenbach's philosophy of physics. I admire his competence in
studying philosophical implications of physics, his scientific seriousness and
physical-mathematical skill, his deep knowledge of modern physics. Reichenbach's
book Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics (1944) is a model of
philosophical analisys of physics.
Here I publish my reflections on the philosophical meaning of physical theories.
I hope this reflections will be useful to students of philosophy of science and to
students of physics interested in philosophical implications of their discipline.