Mauro Murzi's pages on Philosophy of Science
Logical positivism - page 1
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School of philosophy risen in Austria and Germany during 1920s, primarily concerned with the logical analysis of scientific knowledge. Among its members were Moritz Schlick, Rudolf Carnap, Hans Reichenbach, Herbert Feigl, Philipp Frank, Kurt Grelling, Hans Hahn, Carl Gustav Hempel, Victor Kraft, Otto Neurath, Friedrich Waismann.

Logical positivists denied the soundness of metaphysics and traditional philosophy; they asserted that many philosophical problems are indeed meaningless.

According to logical positivism, there are only two sources of knowledge: logical reasoning and empirical experience. The former is analytic a priori, while the latter is synthetic a posteriori; hence synthetic a priori does not exist. The fundamental thesis of logical positivism consists in denying the possibility of synthetic a priori knowledge; you can see an explicit disagreement with Kantian philosophy.

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